Sunday, July 30


I can only find a photo of MYSELF and not my family.
Man, we don't even like take those shiatty photos.
Those chinese new year photos dunno go where la.
I tell you Miss Goh is so gonna kill me tomorrow.
She's like not happy that i get this thing. :( UgH.
I'm seriously damn scared of Miss Goh la.
Ahya. Anything la. I'll just come up with some lame excuse.
I mean i really dont have any of these photos la.
We dont even have a habit of taking photos.
plus our camera is like worst than sai.
Plus, my this photo is from sec2. smart hor.

Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth.

I had lots of fun last night. We went shisha-ing! :)
I went with mabel and ravinder and we met some people.
We went to boat quay's Sahara. Quite cool. Very packed.
Saw Liane Lopez's sister. I think Liane is prettier.
Anyway, today was a rather good day. I felt like i did SO many things.
Alright, I needa find a photo of myself and my family.


Saturday, July 29

Anne Hathaway is really hot!
I just watched finished Havoc.
I think i kinda wasted my time cos basically there wasn't anything that i want to see.
It was pretty interesting to see the relationship between Anne and Bijou but, Everything
else was like how they said it, Shit.
The gangbang scene was the worst.
I think i now know why they have that sort of rating.
I feel kinda grossed out right now.
But Anne Hathaway is hot. really hot!

Friday, July 28

watching ladies golf is fun! Especially cos they are pretty! :)

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Paula Creamer <3

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Natalie Gulbis,
Supposed Anna Kournikova of Golf.

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Michelle Wie

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Lorena Ochoa
Hot legs, cuts a nice figure. Face... Hmmm...

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Morgan Pressel
Hi, I'm Morgan and i have something against Michelle cos she had an exemption thang.

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Morgan Pressel
Damnit, She thinks she is so goddamn pretty. Imma gonna
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Yeah! Like that!

So basically that's all for golf. Actually i watch golf cos i think it's pretty interesting.
The colours! The players have really nice clothes and there is rarely repetition.
*coughDANIcough* *coughNASTYAcough* Like tennis.

Thursday, July 27

Hello, I went to the club to eat and i saw Collette Miles.
I saw Fangzi's look a like. I guess she came back to work.
Then there was this weird beer promoter. Not weird but maybe over friendly.
She asked who was having the Coke Light and i was having a dazed/staring expression on my face and i raised my hand. She gave me my coke and i said she smelt nice and she stuck out her wrists for me to smell. I was shocked. And afterwards she kept walking to around my side and she talked to me. She said i was very fit. I wanted to laugh. HAHA. After that she kept walking by again. :\
ok la, i'm v tired.
btw, i love my muzeeeek! :D

I have no idea why i try so hard.
I mean, it's like i'm never gonna be so successful or anything.
However hard i try i'm never gonna get it.
I'm just me.

I saw a sign by a payphone.
It said get in in line
so i did.
nice cars which drive by fast
sucking up maybe gallons of gas.
I wish i had a few.

Everybody wants to move forward with time.
However, not everyone is possible to move forward.

I find it annoying when my mum wants to get things done.
Example, writing E-mails, helping her with her voluntary work which suprisingly uses the computer.
( my goodness she got herself a bloody almost 4000 laptop and she gave it to the other sister and my sister gave her that laptop that is this close to dying. Then she decided to get herself another laptop which is slightly more than half the price of the previous one. and we get stuck with the bloody dying laptop and the desktop goes missing after it's reporter OK. In other 2 people who uses the computer like 2394838347023984289483423874859409384030475949475939898987987979879707987 seconds a year get's a blooody shitty laptop which fizzles out pretty regularly. )
She calls me or my sister. she wants to move forward and she doesn't even want to learn!
It's damn frigging annoying. I don't want to sound ingrateful but, I learnt to use the computer myself! Ugh. I sound so selfish. WAIT. I am selfish. ugh. Fuck it, i'm gonna sleep.


Wednesday, July 26

Man. Today's Miss Tang's last day. :(
So sad. She was really nice, much better than that old hag.
Maybe if she became a teacher hopefully she'd teach us again.
I miss Miss Aileen Seah! :(
I've got math homework to finish.
School's so tiring. I'm so tired.
I'm so sad that i've nothing to complain about. EUURGH.

Tuesday, July 25

I'm not gonna cut my hair anymore!
I'm gonna wait till like the december holidays then i'm gonna cut it and highlight it!
But if i don't like cut about now i'll forget what i want!
Uhmmmmm. hahaha.
Right, i want nice hair. Like the cool myspace people. HEH.

Monday, July 24

I find these 3 pictures very amusing. :)

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They are both Maria's and they are both from Russia.
btw, my music player bleddy hell still cannot play!

Bleddy hell!
My music player doesn't work!

i'm V into Lesbian news. :)
I want to watch movies.
and i'm bored and i wanna _.
My room smells like shit cos my sister shat in the bathroom.
and the bathroom is connected to my room.
and there's a small gap between the door and the floor. Smelly!

Sunday, July 23

Hello hello, i still can't find my lovely lovely Sims2 I guess, imma gonna give up. :(

Anyway, i was wikipedia-ing. I found something quite interesting to add to the scandal of The L Word. Yummy!

Shane becomes involved with a former actress named Cherie Jaffe (Rosanna Arquette),
whose husband wants to invest in a new salon for Shane, while Cherie's teenage
daughter, Clea, also becomes interested in Shane.
But it all falls apart when
Clea discovers the real relationship between Shane and her mother, making Cheri
break it off. Her husband terminates his business agreement with Shane, leaving
her alone and more angry and cynical than ever.

HAHAHA. i'm soooooooo smart!

i lot SIMS2. i have no idea where the fuck it went. FUCK.
It's like not at home. I think did lend to to someone. But i forgot who!

Zomg. The musical was great! I found Edlyn very attractive. : Ateeqah was a really good taitai! HAHA. it was funny. Hmmm. so yeah, today was cool.
I'm tired. Ugh. geeeeez.
ugh......... geeeeeeez......
Shirley Sim said Miss Seah would be there but i didnt see her! :(((((((((((
i'm hungry...

Friday, July 21


  • HAVOC.

this sucks a lot. I kinda like this weird movies.
I like indie music. <3

Maryanne's house was fun.
Leon pushed me into the water like 4 times.
i pushed him like none although i'm like twice his size.
I pushed bernadette in like 4 times and she came back with like chocolate
she smeared me with chocolate. and i did the same to leon. Was really funny.
then i threw her into the pool with chocolate on her. she "injured" her leg.
But she could still swim. weird. The water became milky and Melody was like. OMG.
the pool cleaner is only coming next week!
Leon decided that the bimboticness runs in the family. HAHA.
All in all, Today was fun and i would love another day like this.
btw, i managed to get SAMANTHA CHIA in the pool. HAHAHA


i feel like fucking puking.

Thursday, July 20

My mummy doesnt let me not go to school tomorrow and skl makes me sick. What do i do. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 19

Hello, after 8 long years. My rabbit died. The poor thang.
My love goes out to you, cheeky. Really.

So yeah, today was Ravinder and Ailin's school party which wasn't much of a party.
Well, So yeah. Uhm. I feel so weird.

What if I wanted to break
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do?
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take all this anymore
What would you do, do, do?

Come Break me down
Marry me, bury me
I am finished with you

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for
I'm not running from you

Come Break me down
Marry me, bury me
I am finished with you

Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you
I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now, this is who I really am inside
Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance
I know now, this is who I really am

Come Break me down
Marry me, bury me
I am finished with you, you, you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you
Come, break me down
Break me down
Break me down

What if I wanted to break...?

<3 Mabel. Take care.

Monday, July 17

I'll post a few photos. :)

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Basically ( omg! i used this word like the fifth time today! ), Today was like that. I feel bad cos tanya said merl said hi, but i didnt know. cos she said hi when i already walked away only the corner of my eye caught her. Like, so, if merl does come by here, then Hello back to you!

So basically, today i did a lot of cleaning up. I decided to clear up my closet and sell what i don't want. Now that i decided what i want to sell my mum's like why. it's new! And i am like am i supposed to sell what's been in the cupboard rotting for 2 years. And she's like, i'll give it away. Brilliant. Just brilliant. I want a Ben Sherman blazer.

all the proceeds shall buy my either a Ben Sherman blazer or Pure Affair Blazer or An Apple iPod. :)

Sunday, July 16

Download, legally, People shining by Furious Kay and Lou Valentino. It's a really hot song.
Well there are a lot of hot songs out there which i haven't discovered. But i like that song a lot I think it's really good.
one song you shouldn't download is Kevin Federline's, Popozao. I never heard anything more retarded. As i'm listening to it now i feel like Ladytron and Furious Kay should have him assasinated. Ladytron is a really really good band. I shall get their CD. Anyway, i think i don't want the Zen Vplus anymore. I don't want a creative. I don't want to switch from an apple. :( I just like the iTunes system. Hate the fact only 1 iPod per computer. I want another apple. It's like once you've got that you wouldn't want to switch. Plus creative uses that drag and drop method for their Mp3s. not smart at all.

So whaddya say? Skl? No! iPod or the V plus?

Saturday, July 15

This is my new blog yo! :D Heehee.
Anyway, i had my maid iron my pullover. and i was like warm iron ok. Then she was like what if burn? Then i was like you pay lor. This damn pullover cost 1 month of your salary! well... about there. cos it's 330 and her salary is 350. So yeah. :)

Welcome to my new blog!