Thursday, July 27

Everybody wants to move forward with time.
However, not everyone is possible to move forward.

I find it annoying when my mum wants to get things done.
Example, writing E-mails, helping her with her voluntary work which suprisingly uses the computer.
( my goodness she got herself a bloody almost 4000 laptop and she gave it to the other sister and my sister gave her that laptop that is this close to dying. Then she decided to get herself another laptop which is slightly more than half the price of the previous one. and we get stuck with the bloody dying laptop and the desktop goes missing after it's reporter OK. In other 2 people who uses the computer like 2394838347023984289483423874859409384030475949475939898987987979879707987 seconds a year get's a blooody shitty laptop which fizzles out pretty regularly. )
She calls me or my sister. she wants to move forward and she doesn't even want to learn!
It's damn frigging annoying. I don't want to sound ingrateful but, I learnt to use the computer myself! Ugh. I sound so selfish. WAIT. I am selfish. ugh. Fuck it, i'm gonna sleep.



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