Saturday, February 24

How do you explain love.
How do you explain love in terms of experience.
I dont want a a stupid explanation from the dictionary.
I want an answer from you.

I love being in love.
Being in love just makes you feel so good, so happy and so unbelievably special.
It makes you want to shout it out loud. It makes you feel excited even at the slightest of things.

Being in love makes me feel, repressed, oppressed, depressed, etc.
It feels great. But at the back of your mind there are always the insecurities lurking.
Waiting to strike.

I love being in love. I just miss that feeling.
I wish i had someone/something to love.
If i typed out everything i had in my mind, It would be an utter complete mess.
If i typed out everything i had in my mind, it would be too explicit for this website.
If i typed out everything i had in my mind, It would reveal... too much.

Monday, February 12

So sad, so sad.
Today is the last day of the badminton tournament.
So sad, so sad.

I'm gonna miss people like Yiying, Sheena, Vanessa Poo Jill.
Okay.. Fine, not so much the latter two because they were pretty dao. But i'm gonna miss Yiying a lot. It's like i will never ever see her again.
I'll miss looking at Sheena and Vanessa Poo Jill. I feel like some pervert.
I think Vanessa Poo Jill is super butch. But she's like, sexy at being butch. Okay, i don't know how to explain this but her it's like her masculinity makes damn sexy. I guess that's just to me because some other people find her... Hmmm... Lemme see what that word is. Gross. Yes, gross. I actually find her sexy and not gross. :)

I'm gonna miss like all the crescent people and all the other schools! It was so fun! I sound like some super sensitive and emotional cow who takes all this all too serious. Eh heh.

Alright, I guess that's it man. I just value friendships very much. & I'd love for accquaintances to be friends. :)

Sunday, February 11

How many stars are there?

Muse is soo cool.
Who is Muse's muse?
That question always amuses me.
I love puns. Love it.

Saturday, February 10

I took a warm bath and then i took a cold shower.
I felt asphyxiated.
It was painful.
Ahhh.. The cold. The spine chilling cold.

Friday, February 9

How can you believe in something that doesnt even exist?

If everything you ever believed in was all actually just a lie, how would you feel?
If everything you ever believed in was your pillar or strength, will you crumble and fall?

Sometimes i just wished i had something i truly believed in or something i can hold on to when everything feels so out of place.
I always feel like one day I'm going to be left struggling in the murky water. When everyone has already learnt to swim in order to get themselves out, I would still be stuck in the murky water not knowing what would be lurking in it's murkiness, exhausted from wading, mentally exhausted. When i die, no one would know because my body would have sunken to the bottom.

I'm feeling really out right now. I feel like i need a smoke.
I'm in pain. Mentally and physically.

Friday, January 26

Adeline is hot shit! :D


Chelsy, Are you gonna laugh at that? I feeeeeeeeel very amused.
Anyway today we had 2 periods of mother tongue and the choe guy scolded me chelsy and alex. But we couldn't hear so we were like, Yeah. Sure. HAHAHA.
then we played bingo for like the whole 2 periods until we got so bored.
Charmaine and alex joined later and weren't bored. But we were bored. So we stopped playing. Wait today isn't funny. or whatever.
Chelsy is like easily contented. Chelsy's soo funny. & She loves pink. That's like a big fat obvious sign she's like a bimbo. She's like a big bimbotic lipstick lesbian. Okay.. she's not lesbian but i just like to say she's lesbian. I just like to say lesbian. But i'm sooooooooo not lesbian. cos, i'm straight. Like duh. Like brad pitt is my husband. That's the real reason why angelina jolie and him aren't getting married. Like, duh.

Anyway, i had english today. and we read some compre it was about 44 million missing women in china and india. So it actually meant they were missing, like because they were killed at birth or not registered. & in china the for every 100 girls there are 118 boys. about the same in india. So because i was being really bitchy. i said to mr. dil. China and India is gonna become a gay country if they keep killing those girls. and he was like, Huh? I was like, okay. there's like a surplus of 18 guys for every 100 girls. So if it keeps going on like that sooner or later there will be more men and there wont be enough girls so they guys would just turn gay. I mean if the streets are all filled with guys i'm sure no choice what! then Mr. Dil was like, Yeah horr.. Very good point, I didnt think of that.
Well i'm really surprised he actually thought it was a good point. It's so weird. Yeah.

I feeeeeeeeel like playing pool.
Over. and. Out.

Anyway, i think this post ain't funny. But i hope Chelsy laughs. HAHAHA.

Tuesday, January 23

This one's for you, Chelsy.

Okay. I don't even blog here anymore.
Wait, i don't even blog anymore. My livejournal is stagnant because i'm too lazy to go to livejournal and do my thang.
Anyway, today was a fun day because Chelsy was soooo sweet! She gave me 2 pineapple tarts! :D :D
Plus Chelsy said she likes reading my blog. I feeel so touched. :) I mean no one reads my blog so having someone say it's funny and that she laughs to herself while reading it, means like prettty much everything! Well everything referring to blogging and stuff cos feeling on top of the world just cause someone likes reading your blog is quite moronic. Hmmm, so as i was saying

-think lame carving's on a tree-

Hmmmm. Anyway, i want to share a story with you all. I onced like this person. Then this girl, CHEW FANG ZI that she knew the person and that she used to see the person play on the monkey bars because FANG ZI'S primary school was really next to that person's primary school. I really believe FANG ZI because i thought she wouldnt lie to me. So i went to tell my other friends about it and FANG ZI came up to me and said," Gwen, I need to tell you something. I bluffed you about the playground thing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "


Okay. I was talking to Chelsy and she told me a story along the same lines. Lemme tell you the story. When Chelsy was in Sec1 she joined tennis and she met Fangzi and Leanne. They were both really close and so because Chelsy is sooooooooooo stupid and naive. ( HAHAHA! ) Chelsy went to ask them if they were crooked. They told her that they were and they used to be together but broke up because of some bung. & Chelsy believed. So one day Fangzi went up to Chelsy and said," Chelsy, I have to tell you something. I bluffed you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Okay, that's an adapted version. i can't remember clearly. But roughly like that. Maybe i added some salt and pepper. I like my food tasty. ;)

Eh.. Today i watched Pan's Labyrinth. So scary la! & i kept screaming and shouting and crying and blah blah blah. I think i was damn annoying. But the whole cinema was like filled with like 5MM people and a few other couples and that's it la. HAHA.

Sunday, October 22

Good Morning Singapore!

So, i'm moving. AGAIN. come find me and greenhelipad :)
uhm. So i'm out.

Saturday, October 14

i cannot stand our singapore idol people lorrrrrrrrrr. ughhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Sunday, October 8

I wanna pursue an education in a foreign country.
But i have no bloody idea what my intentions are in life.

I feel i need a change. This Singapore thang isn't working for me.
Wait, i don't think anything works for me since i'm like _.

My future seems to have already been crushed and condemned in my own hands.